1. What is AFT/IPL Motion Technology and how does it work? AFT/IPL stands for Advanced Fluorecent Technology/Infrared Pulsed Light. It’s not a laser; the AFT/IPL motion technology continuously hits the deep hair follicle tissue in a straight line at a low dose and high frequency. It is easily absorbed by the hair to decompose the hair papilla pigment and shrink the hair follicle tissue to impede hair growth and achieve effective and painless hair removal.
2. Does it hurt? No the treatment is virtually painless.
3. How much does it cost? It depends on which part of your body you’re having treated because some areas require more work than others! Call 61960034 for more specials and prices or check our specials on this website.
4. How does our IPL Motion technology measure up against the rest of the hair removal treatments that are available? Waxing is cheaper, but more painful, and is only a short term solution. It’s a never-ending cycle. Electrolysis is a permanent solution where hairs are treated via a needle that gets inserted into each hair follicle and sends electricity or heat into the cells at the base. But a half-hour session results in only a handful of hairs being treated; too few if you need a quick result. Plus there’s a risk of scarring if the procedure isn’t done right. IPL Motion Technology is fast, painless and effective. If you add up all the money you’ll spend on waxing throughout your life, and compared it to the cost of a handful of IPL treatments, you’d quickly see there’s more value in the IPL treatment.
5. How many treatments will I need? Again everyone is different; but if you’re a good candidate for the treatment, you’ll need a minimum of 6 treatments. To get the most from the process, treatments will need to be carried out at regular intervals. Intervals are dependant upon the area you have treated.
6. Am I a good candidate for IPL hair removal? The best candidates for IPL hair removal are fair skinned with dark hair. This allows the light used in the treatment to target the hair. The light is attracted to pigment in the hair therefore we can’t treat blonde, red or grey hairs, as the light doesn’t get concentrated at the root of the hair.
7. How long does a treatment session last? Treatments are 6 to 9 times faster than other hair removal machines. Example: Full leg treatment = 10 minutes compared to up to an hour with other machines.
8. Will I be required to undress? It depends on where the unwanted hair is located. All our professional staff adhere to the strictest standards of personal respect and will respect your privacy. Of course, if you’re after a reduction of hair “down there” you’ll need to suspend your modesty a little.
9. Does it cause ingrown hairs? No, not at all. In fact, it can be great for treating ingrown hairs as the dark pigment will attract the light and the hair will be treated in-situ. Less hair overall means less ingrown hairs in the long run.
10. How long-lasting is it compared to waxing? It’s designed to be a permanent reduction in hair growth, compared to the endless cycle of waxing. Some people may need maintenance treatments from time to time.
11. Do I have to let my hair grow out like in waxing? No, not at all. Because we’re trying to get at the root of the hair, it’s better to have short hair than long hair because then the heat will be targeted at the root, not on the surface of your skin. We advise shaving the morning of your treatment. Just be sure to leave a patch of hair the size of a ten cent piece so your therapist can assess your hair thickness and colour.
12. Will I see a result after my first treatment? Yes, you will notice up to a 20% reduction in growth after each session.
13. So why would I need multiple treatments? Hair strands undergo 3 stages in their “lifecycle”. At any given point in time, a maximum of 20% of your body hair is in the growth phase, and that’s the right time for an IPL treatment to remove it permanently. But there will be other strands that aren’t at the same stage and they will be missed. You need to have multiple treatments to make sure that at some point we catch all the hairs in the appropriate phase where they can be removed.
14. What pre- and post-treatment steps will I need to take? You can’t have a tan 2 weeks before beginning your treatments or for 2 weeks after. You will need to wear SPF 30+ when you’re out in the sun in-between treatments.
15. I have a tan, can I still have IPL? You should definitely come in and see us, so that we can give you an expert assessment, but because the light used in the treatment is targeted to the dark pigment melanin in the hair, you might not be able to receive the treatment without also over-heating the melanin in your skin. We will let you know.
16. Do I have to wear eye protection? The skin of your eyes is the most sensitive on your body. Looking directly at the light used in the IPL treatment is about as healthy for your eyes as looking directly at the sun. Therefore, we will offer you eyewear that you need to wear while in treatment for your visual protection.
17. Is it a uni-sex treatment? Yes absolutely. Guys can benefit just as much or even more than girls. Chests and backs are the most frequent treatments we give men, and the results are amazing.
18. Can guys get their beard done? Yes they can, though it’s designed to be an irreversible procedure, so you’ll need to be sure that’s the outcome you want.
19. Is it good for cyclists? If you’re addicted to the road then shaving your legs is probably the bane of your life. IPL hair removal is a great way to retire the razor.
20. Is there any place on my body you can’t treat? Well we won’t do under the eyebrows, but that’s about it!
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty
Beauty Therapist - IPL Specialist
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty
WOMEN - IPL Services
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Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty Armadale
1/14 Jull Street, Armadale, Armadale, Western Australia, 6112
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty
Jeannty's Hairfree & Beauty Armadale
1/14 Jull Street, Armadale, Armadale, Western Australia, 6112